Trinity, Holly, and May were all sitting in Holly's backyard talking and just sitting around when everything changed. " I'm bored." Trinity complained. " Any ideas?" She asked. They were all silent until May stood up.
"Where are you going?" Holly asked. " "Follow me." She replied. So they did. And they followed her all the way out of Holly's neighborhood and to the edge of the forest.
Spiky, pokey branches surrounded them. " What are we doing here?" Trinity asked. " You were bored, so we're going to have an adventure!" She said
They stepped to the edge and stepped in. "Ok..." Trinity said. "What do we do now?" " I don't know, I just started the adventure now you continue it."
" Sometimes I wonder about you guys." Holly said looking at their shoes.
Trinity and May started to climb a tree while Holly stayed tentatively on the ground." You guys are gonna kill yourselves." Holly said rolling her eyes at them.
"Oh come on Holly, jut come up a little bit, don't be a fun sponge." May teased.
"Whatever..." Holly sighed and started to climb.
"See?" "It's fun" Trinity said
" I-" Holly was cut short when they heard a snap. May looked up.
From her angle it was just a blur of color, but when Holly turned to look the object was crystal clear.
It was a girl.
Luv Ya, Raspberry