Hey guys! Yesterday for my "chore" I had to take my dog on a walk so I brought Rae along with me to do a photoshoot! I was so nervous. I had my phone, sunglasses, doll, doll stuff, and my camera (my brother was with me and he had the dog) with me and I was scared they were going to fall in. I managed not to drop anything and got some really decent pics! I took a couple extra pictures, but just because it's so beautiful down there. Hope you guys enjoy!
This is one of my favorite pictures I've ever taken.
Extra Extra!
The water was freezing!( I had to get in to take some pics)
I don't think Rae cares.
More Extra!
So pretty!
I wasn't trying to get my shadow in that, but I think it actually looks really cool!
That is my dog looking at something. ( weirdo)
That's the water, the reed's shadows are those lines.
Also one of my favorites.
That's the sky, it looked that for miles!
Teeny Tiny river!
Again, one of my favorites.
That is just amazing!
Do you ever see something amazing and not have your camera? I feel like that all the time. It's like "oh my god, that would be such a great picture!" And then" Oh wait, I don't have my camera." That's kinda what went through my mind taking that last picture, but then I realized that I did have my camera, and I only took one shot and knew it was perfect. It's just so amazing some of the things you can capture on camera.
Anyway, Catch Ya later!