Friday, May 15, 2015

Kenna's Story

Jade had been at UCLA for a day now, and all three girls were sitting on the couch crying when they heard the doorbell. Kanani had been crying the hardest though she had known  Jade the shortest amount of time. Ally got up and went to answer the door, leaving Lanie to comfort Kanani.

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When she got to the door she saw a blue-eyed girl, with honey blonde pigtails tucked into a red hat.

The girl had obviously heard the crying because she backed up scolding herself."Oh, I'm social worker said that you would probably still be sad, but this was the only time I could get a bus ticket!" She rushed trying to explain herself."Don't worry." Ally said calmly. " worker? OMG! You must be Kenna! We are so excited you're here! I can't wait to have  new sister!" Ally freaked out talking really fast and excited. "Come in! Come in!" She yelled.
Once Kenna got inside Ally gestured to her to sit down. She did but left her jacket, scarf, hat, and shoes on. She dragged her suitcase in. Kanani looked up from her sobs. "Hello..." Kenna started "I'm Kenna, the foster girl you adopted."

This is Kanani, Lanie, and I'm Ally." Ally introduced herself and her sisters.

Finally Lanie stood. "Here let me get your room set up. Kanani hadn't said a word.

When Lanie got back Kenna had taken of her stuff and was now laughing at a joke Ally had made. They were now getting along better...well except Kanani. "Do you want to see your room?" Lanie asked. "Sure." Kenna replied and stood to follow her.

They reached her room where the bed was set up and made, and her luggage was at the foot of the bed. Kenna sat down on the bed and said " I'm gonna love it here."

Sorry about the quality of the pics, I was kinda in a hurry.

Luv Ya, Raspberry